Stephen Lau, PhD

Washington University in St. Louis (WU)

Dr. Lau is a clinician scientist committed to developing accessible, precise, and effective rehabilitation in self-management, health promotion, and participation enhancement among stroke survivors living in the community. He seeks to understand the dynamic relationships among sleep disturbances, mood impairment, cognitive dysfunctions following stroke and develop evidence-based behavioral interventions that effectively prevent and mitigate stroke symptoms and improve participation in meaningful daily activities. His research leverages mobile health technologies (ecological momentary assessment and wearable sensors) to provide real-time in vivo monitoring that leads to the identification of factors contributing to adverse stroke consequences, thereby informing his work to develop and test complex behavioral interventions that effectively improve stroke survivors’ circadian, cognitive, and emotional functioning and continue their recovery in the community. Dissemination and implementation science is integrated into the design of his research to ensure that findings are efficiently transferred into clinical practice.