Washington University Pediatric and Adolescent Ambulatory Research Consortium (WU PAARC)

Provides expertise and infrastructure to support clinical studies within the community setting.

The Washington University Pediatric and Adolescent Ambulatory Research Consortium (WU PAARC) is a Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) of community pediatricians. WU PAARC has developed a formal infrastructure to actively engage community practitioners in clinical and translational research. WU PAARC initiates and conducts research studies and collaborates with other investigators to design and implement studies in the community setting.

The network disseminates relevant research findings to support evidence-based practice and information about other ICTS studies that are relevant to primary care practice.

Services & Resources
  • Consultation about community-based patient recruitment (pediatric and adult)
  • Consultation about the formation of practice-based research networks
  • If involved in the planning process, WU PAARC can assist with recruitment of pediatric patients from the community

Initial consultations are fully subsidized for ICTS members.

Visit the WU PAARC website for additional information about WU PAARC studies, services, participating practices and opportunities for collaboration.

Request a Service

Please fill out and complete the WU PAARC Consultation Request Form for all services and opportunities. 



Allison King, MD, MPH, PhD
Medical Director

Sherry Dodd
Network Coordinator