  • AHRQ: The Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality’s patient-centered medical home research methods series.
CTSA Consortium
Clinical and Translational Science
Washington University

Collaborating Centers/Institutes

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

Human Subjects Research

Clinical and Laboratory Safety

Additional WUSTL Resources

  • Cost Effectiveness Tool: The Center for Health Economics and Policy is committed to creating and publishing a diverse set of tools to help researchers access, utilize, and analyze data. The Cost Effectiveness Tool asks users questions about their research to provide customized information and advice on research design, available data, examples, and suggested readings in the area of Cost and Cost Effectiveness Analysis.
  • ICTS Facilities and Resources (doc) as of April 15, 2021.
  • ICTS Equipment (doc) as of April 15, 2021.
  • mHealth Research Core: Working to enhance mobile health (mHealth) Research at Wasthington University.
  • Office of Training Grants
  • REDCap: A secure web application designed to support data capture for research studies. REDCap allows users to build and management online surveys and databases quickly and securely. Developed at Vanderbilt University, the Institute for Informatics provides local access and support.
  • WUSTL Biospecimen Navigator (WBN): Access to this resource requires a WUSTL key.  A comprehensive catalog of research biospecimens collected across the WUSTL scientific community.
ICTS Partner
Local Business and Non-Profit
  • BioGenerator: Biogenerator is an evergreen investor that creates, grows and invests in promising companies and entrepreneurs in the St. Louis region.
  • BioSTL: Dedicated to building an innovation economy in St. Louis.
  • Cortex Innovation Community: St. Louis based business, innovation and technology hub.