2022 ICTS Symposium Poster Abstracts

Poster # | Poster Details |
1 | Ali, Lina Washington University in St. Louis Characterizing the Genetic Factors Driving Rheumatoid Arthritis Inflammatory Interactions Using an SF-Chondrocyte Co-Culture Model Ali L, Patel P, Vakaki M, Kremitzki C, Waligorski J, Chadrasekaran V, Kelley K, Bachman G, Buchser W
2 | Cifarelli, Vincenza PhD Washington University in St. Louis PET Imaging Cardiac Inflammation in CD36-deficient Individuals Cifarelli V, Liu Y, Abumrad NA, Gropler RJ
3 | Detering, Lisa MS Washington University in St. Louis Assessment of CCR2 PET for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Rupture Prediction and Determination of Treatment Response Detering LM, Sastriques S, Heo GS, Sultan DH, Luehmann HP, Arif B, Benedetto SE, Lin C, Laforest R, Gropler RJ, Zayed M, English S, Liu Y
4 | Djune Yemeli, Linda Washington University in St. Louis Immunologic Response to Ivermectin Treatment of Loiasis Djune Yemeli L, Nana-Djeunga HC, Rush A, Kamgno J, Budge P
5 | Joshi, Trupti MBBS, PhD University of Missouri – Columbia Integrative Analysis of DNA Methylation and RNA-seq Data for Biomarker Detection of Endometriosis Joshi T, Akter S, Bromfield J, Pelch K, Wilshire G, Crowder S, Schust D, Barrier B, Davis W, Nagel S
6 | Li, Xiaowei PhD Washington University in St. Louis Antithrombogenic Sutureless Vaso-Lock for Vascular Anastomosis Li X, Moritz W, Meade R, Kang S, Zayed M, Sacks J
7 | Nguyen, Andrew PhD Saint Louis University Developing Antisense Oligonucleotides Targeting MiR-29b Binding Site to Increase Progranulin Protein Levels for Frontotemporal Dementia Nguyen AD, Aggarwal G, Banerjee S, Jones SA, Smith DM, Benchaar Y, Belanger J, Sevigny M, Pavlack M, Niehoff ML, de Vera IMS, Petkau TL, Leavitt BR, Ling K, Jafar-Nejad P, Rigo F, Morley JE, Farr SA, Dutchak PA, Sephton CF
8 | Parrow, Nermi PhD Saint Louis University Development of an HPLC-based Method for the Separation of Transferrin Forms in Murine Serum Parrow NL, Violet PC, George NA, Levine M, Fleming RE
9 | Phillips, Charlotte PhD University of Missouri – Columbia Combined Inhibition of Myostatin and Activin A Enhances Femoral Microarchitecture and Strength in a Type I/IV Osteogenesis Imperfecta Mouse Model Omosule CL, Joseph D, Weiler B, Gremminger VL, Jeong Y, Kleiner S, Phillips CL
10 | Rai, Muhammad Farooq PhD Washington University in St. Louis Microgel Fabrication for Sustained Delivery of PRP to Treat Osteoarthritis Rai MF, Choi HM, Blanco A, Duan X, Jain E, Case N, Sell S, Zustiak SP
11 | Shen, Hua PhD Washington University in St. Louis Extracellular Vesicles from Inflammation-primed Adipose Stem Cells Improve Tendon Healing Through Restoring Balanced Response Following Tendon Injury and Repair Shen H, Lane R, Ray RB
12 | Wang, Yung-Chun PhD Washington University in St. Louis A Genome-wide Assessment of Non-coding Risk Variants in Cerebral Palsy Wang YC, Fu PY, Wrubel M, Magee H, Liu J, Bakhtiari S, Shetty S, Norton B, Wegner DJ, Aravamuthan B, Gurnett CA, Pearson T, Baldridge D, Wambach JA, Cole FC, Kruer MC, Jin SC
13 | Wylie, Kristine PhD Washington University in St. Louis Comparison of Metagenomic Sequencing and the NanoString nCounter Analysis System for Characterization of Bacterial and Viral Communities in Vaginal Samples Wylie KM, Schrimpf J, Gula H, Wylie TN
14 | Wylie, Todd Washington University in St. Louis ViroMatch: A Computational Pipeline for Detection of Viral Reads from Complex Metagenomic Data Wylie TN, Wylie KM
15 | Xu, Lu MS Washington University in St. Louis Development of a Neuronavigation-guided Sonobiopsy Device for Glioblastoma Patients Xu L, Pacia CP, Gong Y, Chien CY, Hu Z, Yang L, Gach HM, Hao Y, Comron H, Huang J, Leuthardt EC, Chen H
Poster # | Poster Details |
16 | Butt, Omar MD, PhD Washington University in St. Louis Pre-infusion Neurofilament Light Chain (NfL) Levels Predict Immune Effector Cell-associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (ICANS) Butt OH, Zhou AY, Lee K, Wu GF, Caimi PF, de Lima MJG, Campian JL, Dipersio JF, Ghobadi A, Ances BM
17 | Cortez, Samuel MD Washington University in St. Louis Effectiveness, Safety, and Tolerability of Different Estradiol Replacement Therapy Presentations in Transgender Females Cortez S, Moog D, Nicol G, Baranski T
18 | Durkin, Michael MD, MPH Washington University in St. Louis Biological and Chemical Characterization of Aerosols Emitted During Dental Procedures in Real World Settings Durkin MJ, Choudhary S, Wallace M, Stoeckel DC, Thornhill MH, Lockhart PB, Kwon JH, Liang SY, Burnham CA, Biswas P, Steinkamp HM
19 | Harris-Hayes, Marcie DPT, MSCI Washington University in St. Louis Musculoskeletal Impairments Among Women with Urinary Urgency/Frequency Harris-Hayes M, Foster Sn, Spitznagle TM, Tuttle LJ, Sutcliffe S, Steger-May K, Lowder JL, Meister MR, Ghetti C, Wang J, Burlis T, Mueller MJ
20 | Keenoy, Katie MA, LPC Washington University in St. Louis Coming Up with a COVID (Cure?): Using eConsent and National Recruitment in a Fully-Remote Clinical Trial Keenoy K, Lenze EJ, Mattar C, Zorumski CF, Stevens A, Schweiger J, Nicol GE, Miller JP, Yang L, Yingling M, Avidan MS, Powderly WJ, Reiersen AM
21 | Leo, Ashwin MD, MPHS Candidate Washington University in St. Louis Digital Mental Health Intervention for Musculoskeletal Patients with Co-existing Depression and/or Anxiety Leo AJ, Schuelke MJ, Armbrecht MA, Hunt DM, Miller JP, Cheng AL
22 | Liang, Stephen MD, MPHS Washington University in St. Louis Pathogen and Size Characterization of Aerosols Produced during Aerosol-generating Procedures in COVID-19 Positive Patient Intensive Care Units Choudhary S, Habrock Bach T, Wallace M, Burnham CA, Durkin M, Kwon J, Babcock H, Liang SY, Biswas P
23 | Liang, Stephen MD, MPHS Washington University in St. Louis Real-time Monitoring for Aerosol Generation in the Emergency Department using Low-cost PM Sensors during the COVID-19 Pandemic Choudhary S, Marks L, Lauer J, Kumawat H, Babcock Hi, Durkin Mi, Liang SY, Biswas P
24 | Michelson, Andrew MD Washington University in St. Louis An Integrated Machine Learning Model to Predict Respiratory Failure for COVID-19 Tested Patients in the Emergency Department: A Silent Prospective Trial Yu SC, Guo X, Haber G, Gupta A, Kannampallil T, Lai A, Payne PRO, Kollef M, Michelson AP
25 | Morgan, Kerri PhD Washington University in St. Louis Development and Testing of a Mobile Phone Text Messaging Intervention Based on Patient Activation to Manage Fatigue for People with MS, SCI and Stroke Morgan K, Newland P, Heeb R, Walker K, Stowe L, Tomazin R, Wong AWK
26 | Morris, Gabriela MD Saint Louis University The Role of Patch Testing for the Evaluation of Adult Patients with Hand Dermatitis: A Retrospective Cohort Study Morris GM, Ong SK, Li Y, Bauman TM, Chrusciel T, Burkemper NM
27 | Newcomer, Erin Washington University in St. Louis Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Establish Reservoirs in New Hospital Sink Drains and Show High Relatedness to Isolates Recovered From Clinical Blood Cultures Newcomer EP, Sukhum KV, Cass C, Wallace MA, Johnson C, Fine J, Sax S, Barlet MH, Burnham CD, Dantas G, Kwon JH
28 | Olsen, Margaret PhD, MPH Washington University in St. Louis Changes in the Local Skin Microbiota in Women with Breast Cancer after Mastectomy Olsen MA, Myckatyn TM, Tenenbaum MM, Brandt KE, Wallace MA, Habrock-Bach T, Nickel KB, Johnson C, Warren DK, Burnham CD
29 | Olumba, Frank MD Washington University in St. Louis RESTORE Declined Livers Study; A Single Center Prospective Non-randomized Trial Olumba F, Zhou F, Xu M, Ahmed O, Kim JS, Khan A, Doyle MB, Chapman W
30 | Pusic, Iskra MD, MSCI Washington University in St. Louis Use of Belimumab for Prophylaxis of Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease Pusic I, Johanns T, Sarantopoulos S, Westervelt P, Cashen A, Uy G, Abboud C, DiPersio J
31 | Rammaha, Thue MS Washington University in St. Louis Emerging Evidence of Behavior Change Associated with Fully Remote Delivery of a Genetically Informed Smoking Cessation Intervention Rammaha TB, Salyer P, Chang Y, Bourdon J, Chen LS, Bierut L, Ramsey AT
32 | Shahi, Jeevin MD, FRCPC, DABR Saint Louis University Survival in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Immunotherapy and Stereotactic Radiation Therapy or Immunotherapy Alone Shahi J, Al-Hammadi N, Hamilton Z, Dombrowski JJ
33 | Tague, Laneshia MD, MSCI Washington University in St. Louis Clonal Hematopoiesis in Lung Transplant Recipients is Associated with Adverse Clinical Outcomes Tague LK, Oetjen K, Mahadev A, Link DC, Gelman AE
34 | Wang, Leyao PhD, MPH Washington University in St. Louis In-utero Exposure to a Devastating Hurricane is Associated with Altered Infant Nasal Microbiome Wang L, Rosario N, Zhang A, Cao L
35 | Zhang, Xiangyu PhD Washington University in St. Louis Dietary Protein Elicits a Leucine-mediated Threshold Effect on Monocyte/Macrophage mTORC1-autophagy Signaling Resulting in Elevated Cardiovascular Risk Zhang XY, Kapoor D, Jeong SJ, Stitham J, Fappi A, Rodriguez-Velez A, Yeh YS, Mittendorfer B, Razani B
36 | Zheng, Jie PhD Washington University in St. Louis Myocardial Oxygen Extraction Fraction Imaging with MRI Zheng J, Eldeniz C, Schindler TH, Li R, Peterson LR, Woodard PM
Poster # | Poster Details |
37 | Andersen, Stephanie MPA Washington University in St. Louis Translating for Impact: A New Toolkit for Demonstrating the Larger Impact of Your Work Andersen SM, Combs T, Brossart L, Luke D
38 | Ballatori, Sarah MD Washington University in St. Louis The Impact on Families of Congenital Upper Extremity Differences Ballatori SE, Wall LB
39 | Carothers, Bobbi PhD Washington University in St. Louis We’re All Running on Empty: ICTS Membership Engagement and Productivity in the COVID Era Carothers BJ, Combs TB, Palombo E, Sarli CC, Suiter AM, Buckel C, Keath EJ, Vogel M, Luke DA
40 | Combs, Todd PhD Washington University in St. Louis If You Build It, Will They Come? Linking ICTS Researcher Engagement and Scientific Productivity Combs TB, Carothers BJ, Liu Y, Brossart LB, Evanoff B, Luke DA
41 | Hoyt, Catherine PhD, OTD Washington University in St. Louis Parent and Provider Perspectives on a Developmental Screening and Therapy Referral Program for Children 0-3 years with Sickle Cell Disease Hoyt CR, Erickson JE, Luo L, Housten AH, King AH
42 | Kapp, Julie PhD, MPH University of Missouri – Columbia Collecting Early Childhood Obesity Measurements Through a Home Visiting Program: A Proof-of-Concept Study Kapp JM, Hall B, Kemner A
43 | Lewis, Melissa PhD University of Missouri – Columbia The Indigenous Health Toolkit: Results of a Pilot Test from Two Sites Lewis ME
44 | Lineback, Kristen Washington University in St. Louis Latinx Ethnicity is Associated with Nutrition Literacy as Barrier to Lifestyle Changes in an Uninsured Urban Population Lineback K, Ramesh R, Li J, Change R, Walker K, Linares N, Shi V, Payne C, Kesaraju R, Gaona-Romero A, Naceanceno K, Cruz-Bravo P
45 | Meyer, Dixie PhD Saint Louis University The Relationship Between Health Habits and Global Health Status in Couples Facing Pandemic Stress Meyer DD, Ferribly-Ferber M, Chen S, Keyvan S, Samanta J, Stratman H, Wang W
46 | Pilar, Meagan PhD, MPH Washington University in St. Louis Implementation Outcomes and Strategies to Promote the Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccines Pilar MP, Elwy AR, Lushniak L, Huang G, McLoughlin GM, Hooley C, Nadesan-Reddy N, Sandler B, Moshabela M, Alonge O, Geng E, Proctor EK
47 | Turner, Austin PhD Saint Louis University Willingness to Respond to Radiological Disasters Among First Responders in St. Louis, MO Turner JA, Rebmann T, Charney RL, Loux TM