Gender Diversity and Health Research

Provides services for research focused on transgender medicine, across the translational research spectrum.

Since 2017, the Pediatric and Adult Transgender Centers at Washington University have seen > 1700 transgender and gender-diverse patients. The Centers include an interdisciplinary group featuring endocrinology, adolescent medicine, breast and plastic surgery, urology, ENT surgery, speech therapy, reproductive health and fertility, dermatology, infectious disease, trans-affirmative gynecologic care, psychology, psychiatry, and social work.  

Transgender and gender-diverse people suffer marginalization in society, healthcare, and research, and as such, significant health disparities exist. To achieve health equity for this population, we must dedicate resources to develop, conduct, and disseminate T1-T4 research that centers the needs of this community.  

These services include: 

  • Study design review by Transgender Research Evaluation Committee (TREC) and the Community Advisory Board (CAB) if not doing secondary analysis already approved.
  • Study design review by TREC to ensure appropriateness and safety for the study population.
  • Pilot funds for external data to do research in this space (e.g. PRIDE).
  • Evaluation of study proposals by the CAB to assess the significance of proposed research for the community, foster key stakeholder engagement, and plan for community-centered dissemination of findings.
Current Studies
  • Pediatric Transgender Data Registry (PI: Dr. Andrea Giedinghagen): This study aims to create a quality assurance data registry of patients seen at the WashU Pediatric Transgender Clinic. Transgender and gender non-conforming patients age 7-22 are eligible for enrollment in this study. Information added to the database will include health information, social information, and any other information reported to providers during clinic visits.
  • From Engagement to Equity: Discovering Preferences for and Barriers to the Participation of Transgender Young Adults in Clinical Research (PI: Dr. Ginger Nicol): The purpose of this study is to determine the top research priorities of transgender patients. Transgender and gender non-conforming patients of WashU’s Adult Transgender Center, age 18-45 are eligible for enrollment in this study. Participants can complete either an open-ended survey or individual interview answering questions about their research concerns, how researchers can better engage with the transgender community, and about barriers to participation in research.
  • Transgender Adolescent Stress Scale (TASS) Clinical (PI: Jeremy Goldbach): This study will develop a comprehensive measure of minority stress for transgender adolescents. Preliminary research suggests there are several domains of gender minority stress that are unique for these individuals, including puberty and body dysphoria, family, school and community, and physical and mental health care. This study will gather data that will facilitate the development of a comprehensive measure of transgender adolescent stress as a means to facilitate improved clinical assessment and intervention. Transgender and gender non-conforming patients age 12-17 seen by the WashU Pediatric Transgender Clinic are eligible for enrollment in this study.
Process for Research Submission

Stage 1: Solicit Feedback

  1. Researcher sends proposal to TREC at
  2. TREC administrator conducts initial filter. If there are major issues at this step, TREC administrator returns proposal to researcher with feedback.
  3. TREC administrator sends proposal to TREC group and CAB for review.
  4. TREC and CAB provide researcher feedback at next monthly TREC meeting.

Stage 2: Integrate Feedback

  • Researcher updates research proposal based on feedback.
  • Researcher clarifies questions or concerns with TREC administrator if there are any.

Stage 3: Make Decision

  • Researcher sends revised proposal to TREC.
  • TREC provides final feedback and consent to move forward with project digitally.
  • If there are objections, TREC administrator works with researcher and objecting TREC member(s) to reconcile.
  • TREC administrator communicates feedback and decision outcome to researcher.
  • Final proposal and overview of changes made sent to TREC and CAB.

Any questions about the Gender Diversity and Health Research Core or submitting relevant research should be directed to