
To improve public health and patient care by maximizing the impact of multi-center trials being conducted by WU investigators.

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Trial-CARE is a multidimensional clinical trial support service supported by the Washington University Center for Clinical Studies (CCS) in partnership with the ICTS. The service provides enhanced support to Washington University faculty conducting investigator-initiated clinical trials through the streamlining of clinical trial startup and implementation.

Trial-CARE can:

  • Provide proactive, responsive problem solving and strategic planning to aid in coordination of investigator-initiated clinical trials.
  • Streamline investigator’s ability to use single IRB, master trial agreements, regulatory guidance services, and other resources available through the CCS, ICTS, and the CTSA Network.
  • Provide clinical trial resources and templates to speed trial initiation; analyze anticipated barriers to start-up, accrual, and implementation; and provide tailored recruitment plans.

Contact for a free consultation.