Martin W. Schoen, MD, MPH
Hematologist/Oncologist and Hospitalist, John Cochran VA Medical Center
Saint Louis University (SLU)
Dr. Martin Schoen is a hematologist/oncologist at St. Louis Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Saint Louis University. He conducts research into health outcomes in cancer treatments using national VA data to the focus on comparative effectiveness of treatments and personalized medicine based on patient comorbidities. His current focus is understanding the survival, treatment duration, and adverse events in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer. The goal of his work is to provide an accurate and individualized prognosis for every patient based on patient characteristics, tumor genomics, and response to therapy. He also collaborates on research related to bleeding and thrombosis in cancer and liver disease as well as modeling outcomes with in multiple myeloma.
Dr. Schoen has been active in research focused on treatment of COVID-19 and currently is a co-investigator in trials of novel therapies and approach to treatment in metastatic prostate cancer.