Washington University in St. Louis (WU)
My research interest covers vascular imaging, genetics of Alzheimer disease, and evaluation of clinical trials, particularly in dominantly inherited Alzheimer disease (DIAD). Under my Alzheimer’s Association Research Fellowship (AARFD-20-681815), I aim to deepen our understanding of genotype effects on biomarkers and cognition in DIAD which is critical for safe and successful clinical trials currently on-going in these populations (Joseph-Mathurin*, Feldman* et al, AAIC Denver July 2021; Chhatwal et al, The Lancet Neurology, under review).
The first trial in this population (DIANTU-001) is completed and I am currently evaluating amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIAs) observed in this trial (Joseph-Mathurin, et al, AAIC Denver July 2021). In this context, I am particularly interested in increasing our understanding of small vessel disease with the assessment of cerebral blood flow and blood brain barrier integrity in this population (Joseph-Mathurin et al, ADDADM 2018; Joseph-Mathurin et al, Neurology 2021; Joseph-Mathurin, Raji, Springer Book Chapter in press for 2022).