Erin Arcipowski, PhD, RN

community and hospital-based disaster preparedness and response; global health (prevention of infectious diseases, decreasing childhood mortality); effects of climate change on both disasters and ...

Anne E. Borgmeyer, MSN, RN

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at St. Louis Children's hospital caring for patients hospitalized with asthma. Interested in pediatric asthma research, the role of the nurse practitioner in health care ...

Ed Casabar, PharmD

Clinical Specialist, Infectious Diseases

Antimicrobial efficacy and safety, antimicrobial stewardship, medication safety, clinical decision support for drug therapy and diagnosis, vaccine education, gene therapy

Mary P. Curtis, MSN, PhD, RN, ANP-C

Accident and injury prevention in vulnerable populations.

Eli N. Deal, PharmD

Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor

Medical use and dosing among morbidly obese patients; reduction in hospital re-admission; inpatient care; improved inpatient quality of care; internal medicine; pharmacy.

Sarah S. Farabi, PhD, RN

Sleep disruption and metabolic disease specifically during pregnancy.

Heidi K. Holtz, PhD, RN

Assistant Professor

Dr. Holtz completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics. As a fellow, Dr. Holtz, collaborated with, and was mentored by experts in the field of nursing and ...

JoAnn T. Jabbari, MSN, RN, PhD

Assistant Professor

Research focuses on examining the dynamic relationships between loneliness, other social determinants of health and various health outcomes among vulnerable populations. She has a particular interest ...

Ali D. Kosydor, MHA

Director, Healthcare Innovation Lab

Innovation Lab focuses on designing and testing new clinical care products and models.

Samuel R. Krimmel, PhD

I work on individual variability in subcortical structures in humans. This research can contribute to personalized medicine.