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Whether you’re a junior investigator or well established, ICTS membership can make an impact on your research and career.

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Find collaborators within and across institutions.

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Connect with diverse resources and consulting services.

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Gain exclusive access to internal grant funding programs.

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Education and Training

Participate in clinical and translational science training programs. 

Fumihiko Urano

The ICTS has been very helpful to me in starting collaborations with leadership at NCATS to study drug therapies for Wolfram Syndrome (WS).

Fumihiko Urano, MD, PhD
WashU Professor of Medicine, Pathology, and Immunology, has utilized many ICTS funding programs and core services over several years to further his research on WS.


ICTS-funded investigator conducts crucial research to better understand, diagnose, and treat rare genetic disease

ICTS-funded investigator conducts crucial research to better understand, diagnose, and treat rare genetic disease

Rare diseases are just what their name implies – each one affects a limited number of people. But with this rarity comes unique challenges, and among the biggest challenges faced by these patients are the roadblocks they encounter with gathering information about their conditions, being properly diagnosed, and finding the best resources and treatment options […]
COVID Biorepository will be Closing

COVID Biorepository will be Closing

The Washington University COVID-19 biorepository that was jointly sponsored by The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital, the Siteman Cancer Center, and the ICTS, has been an incredible success. Use of these samples has diminished substantially over the past two years and all remaining samples are being distributed to final users by the Tissue Procurement Core. The […]

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