Zainab Mahmoud, MD, MSc funds her K23


Congratulations to PROUD-MED Scholar Zainab Mahmoud, MD, MSc (Internal Medicine, Cardiology) on the funding of her K23 “Improving Maternal Cardiovascular Outcomes Through the Implementation of a Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy Bundle in Nigeria”, 1K23HL173684-01. The award, funded through the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, seeks to mitigate postpartum blood pressure in Nigeria–which “has the […]

Call for proposals: Institute offers Health Partnership Development, Pilot Funding (Links to an external site)

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The Institute for Public Health is offering two new funding opportunities for partnerships and projects that address the needs of people experiencing severe mental illness and housing insecurity. The new funding opportunities stem from a March 2024 Next Steps in Public Health event called, “Power in Partnership: Bridging from crisis to community for people experiencing […]

Center awards pilot funding to projects aimed at improving general, mental health care delivery (Links to an external site)


The Center for Dissemination and Implementation is pleased to announce pilot funding for two projects that use dissemination and implementation science to advance health outcomes. Annually, D&I Pilot Grants fund up to $30,000 in direct costs per project for one year. The funding is designed to support a broad range of dissemination and implementation studies, […]

ICTS hosts the 6th annual Symposium and Poster Display

The Washington University Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS) hosted its 6th Annual Symposium and Poster Display on Friday, May 17, 2024. This year’s theme, “Mind the Gap: Overcoming Barriers in Translational Science”, centered on the unique role of translational science, which focuses on innovation that overcomes challenges. The event was held in-person, offering opportunities for […]

ICTS Awards Winning Entries in 3rd Annual Virtual Poster Display

ICTS Awards Winning Entries in 3rd Annual Virtual Poster Display graphic

The ICTS has awarded five awards to investigators in the ICTS’ 3rd annual virtual poster display and contest. As part of the 6th Annual ICTS Symposium, 24 separate posters were submitted and reviewed by 10 ICTS faculty. Posters showcased one of these 4 types of translational research: Posters were also categorized by early-stage, clinical, or […]

ICTS-funded investigator conducts crucial research to better understand, diagnose, and treat rare genetic disease

Dr. Fumihiko Urano

Rare diseases are just what their name implies – each one affects a limited number of people. But with this rarity comes unique challenges, and among the biggest challenges faced by these patients are the roadblocks they encounter with gathering information about their conditions, being properly diagnosed, and finding the best resources and treatment options […]

COVID Biorepository will be Closing

BJC Foundation, Siteman, ICTS logos

The Washington University COVID-19 biorepository that was jointly sponsored by The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital, the Siteman Cancer Center, and the ICTS, has been an incredible success. Use of these samples has diminished substantially over the past two years and all remaining samples are being distributed to final users by the Tissue Procurement Core. The […]

Partnership Development and Sustainability Support Program (PDSS) 2024-2025 Awardees

PDSS 2024-2025 Awardees newspost

The Center for Community Health Partnership and Research is pleased to announce seven partnerships were selected to receive funding through the 2024-2025 Partnership Development and Sustainability Support (PDSS) program. PDSS awards provide up to $10,000 in funding for investigators and their community partner(s) to support their new or existing partnership efforts over a 12-month period. The […]

2024 Leader in Innovation Award: Suresh Vedantham, MD, FSIR  (Links to an external site)

Suresh Vedantham, MD, FSIR

Suresh Vedantham, MD, FSIR is widely recognized as a distinguished leader in the clinical delivery and rigorous investigation of image-guided therapies for venous thromboembolism (VTE). He completed medical school at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine (1992), medical internship at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (1993), radiology residency at UCLA Medical […]