Dissemination and Implementation Research Core (DIRC)
Provides expertise in support of translational (T3 and T4) research to move clinical knowledge into real-world use.
Listen to what DIRC is and how consultations work.
Hear from Enyo Ama Ablordeppey, MD about her experience reaching out to DIRC as a novice, to eventually becoming a DIRC consultant herself.
The Dissemination and Implementation Research Core (DIRC) works with ICTS scientists to move forward scientific advances related to the dissemination and implementation (D&I) of health care discoveries. Furthermore, we develop tools and methods for studying D&I. Services include study design consultation, access to measurements tools and interventions, literature review support, grant writing, and manuscript preparation.
Request a Service
Visit the Dissemination and Implementation Research website for more information on D&I resources. Complete the DIRC intake form to determine service needs and view the consultative process (pdf).
For ICTS members, initial consultations are fully subsidized by the ICTS. Services above that level are provided through charge-back and collaborations through percent effort. Contact core representatives to discuss service needs and any associated costs. DIRC services may be eligible for Just In Time Core Usage Funding Program support.
Email: dirc@wustl.edu