Why do I receive an error message when trying to log into the JIT Application System?
  • Re-review the “application requirements” in the JIT Program Overview (pdf). You will receive an error message if you are ineligible to apply.
  • You may need to update your title in the ICTS membership database. If you registered when you were a fellow/trainee, the system will think you are ineligible since you must be a faculty member to apply.
  • If you still receive an error message, email a screen capture of the error message to the JIT Program Manager (JIT@wustl.edu) for additional assistance.
What are the font and page limit requirements for my application?
  • Use single spacing, Arial 11 font, ½ inch margins on all sides.
  • The total number of pages uploaded should not exceed 12.
  • The Project Narrative (sections A-E) has a 5-page maximum.
  • The Biosketch in the current NIH format for the Principal Investigator, has a 5-page maximum.
  • The Quote from the Core(s) for the requested services, if available, has a 2-page maximum.
Do references count towards the 5-page maximum of my Project Narrative?

No, references do not count towards the 5-page limit.

What makes up the JIT application Project Narrative?

The JIT Project Narrative contains five (5) required areas, sections A-E as labeled in the system:

A. Briefly describe the project. Include 1) abstract, 2) hypothesis and specific aim(s) and 3) expected outcomes.

B. Provide an explanation of services to be performed and the relation to the project, this section should clearly match the funding requested.

C. If applicable, address the ability/plan to meet recruitment within the 12-month JIT funding period.

D. Timeline to translation:
All T0 projects and projects involving primarily animal models, cell-based systems and/or basic science research must include a realistic and detailed timeline of the investigators proposed path of translation of the work into human subjects. The project, if successful, must be realistically translatable into humans within three years of the end of this funding period. Detailed timelines for translation and discussion of the plans for such translation must be included. Failure to comply with section D. requirements will result in administrative rejection of the application. Failure to provide a realistic and detailed timeline and translational strategy will lead to a decision not to fund via the ICTS JIT mechanism, due to the focus on translational science at ICTS.

E. Justification for Hope Center funding, if applicable.

Are there examples of a JIT application available?

There are examples of JIT applications in the Box folder in the WUSTL Grants Library.

What is the due date for my application?

The PI must submit their application to the Core providing the services in the online JIT system. That Core must have time to review, comment, approve, and submit the application in the online system to the ICTS by the 10th of the month at 5pm CT (or first working day thereafter if the 10th falls on a holiday or weekend).

What does the ICTS review process involve?

JIT applications undergo review by a panel of 8-10 faculty reviewers who review for appropriateness regarding the following areas:

  • Translational potential within 3 years with significance in realm of human disease/health
  • Scientific merit
  • Engagement of ICTS core and necessity of core involvement
  • Feasibility of plan to use data to obtain further funding or improve patient care (QA/QI) at Barnes-Jewish Hospital or St. Louis Children’s Hospital
When and how will I know if my request for JIT funding was approved?

You will receive an email notification by the 10th of the following month indicating whether the application was approved for funding by the ICTS committee. It will contain a request for any additional items needed to award your project.

When will funds be available if my application is approved?
  • The awardee must submit all applicable regulatory approvals (IRB, IACUC, etc.) to the ICTS prior to the ICTS issuing the award.
  • PIs will not receive an allocation of funding for a JIT award. Instead, JIT awards are essentially a virtual voucher for core services requested/approved in the application.
  • After those services are provided, the core will invoice the ICTS rather than the PI. The ICTS will then pay the invoice directly in Workday.
What are examples of costs that cannot be reimbursed through a JIT Award?

Any services not included in the awarded application, costs for services that fall outside of the JIT award period, parking, patient reimbursements, secretarial support, effort sourcing, etc.

When am I eligible to receive additional JIT funding?

The maximum amount a PI may receive from the ICTS is $5,000 during the 12-month period of their award.

For example: your JIT award spans a 12-month project period 02/17/24-02/16/25. If all funds are expended prior to 02/16/25, you still cannot apply for additional JIT funds until January 2025. However, the “new” JIT funds would not be awarded until after your initial award expires, 02/16/25. Refer to the JIT Program Overview (pdf) – Available Program Funding.

Should I add the ICTS JIT Award to my IRB approval document as a funding source?

JIT funds are a voucher for services and the ICTS will not be allocating funds directly to the PI.

Once you have been notified that you have been approved for JIT funding, in the myIRB system, your ICTS JIT award should be noted under the funding tab as:

Type: Institutional Grant/Award; Source: ICTS-JIT Core Usage Funding Program; Status: Awarded.