The ICTS Tracking & Evaluation team executes annual point-in-time collection and evaluation of data from publications authored by investigators who benefited from ICTS cores and services. Various qualitative and quantitative methods are used to examine the scientific productivity of ICTS members and the impact of scholarly work. Data from publications authored by ICTS members and publications that acknowledge WU CTSA awards is collected from several databases on an annual basis using Elsevier Scopus and SciVal, Clarivate Analytics Web of Science, and MEDLINE®/PubMed®.

ICTS Member Scientific Productivity in 2023

2,197 or 77% of active ICTS members published in 2023, resulting in 6,196 publications which earned 101,633 views in Scopus®

763 of 6,196 publications were in the top 10% most cited publications worldwide

pie chart showing 12% shaded

Publications earned 46,940 total citations, an average of 7.6 citations per publication

160 publications were cited in one or more policy documents from more than 20 countries in the database

2023 journal titles bar graph

2,205 unique journal titles were represented, including these top 3 journals

Publications covered these top 3 subject areas

Author collaborations on publications represented 3,462 institutions worldwide, all 50 States, and all CTSA Hubs

Statistics calculated as of November 2024. Data from publications authored by ICTS members are collected from several databases on an annual basis using Elsevier Scopus & SciVal, MEDLINE®/PubMed®, and Views in Scopus represent the sum of abstract views and clicks on the link to view full-text.