ICTS Professional Development Scholarship (PDS) Program Guidelines
In an effort to promote excellence and professional development, the ICTS Professional Development Scholarship is designed to provide financial support to ICTS staff for virtual participation in or domestic travel to conferences or seminars in areas related to their ICTS role. The ICTS expects to award approximately 10 scholarships per year.
Scholarships will cover the cost of registration. In addition, if travel is required, the below costs may be reimbursed:
- Airfare/transportation
- Hotel stay
- Meals, must provide itemized receipts
Unallowable Costs:
- Per diems
- Alcohol
- Meals that are provided at the conference
- Full-time staff at Washington University
- Has a role within an ICTS Core or Program and is sourced to the WU ICTS grant (or cost sharing account). Staff sourced to a pilot award are not eligible.
- Only one Professional Development Scholarship will be awarded to an individual within a two-year period. Special consideration will be given to those who have not received a PDS previously.
- Provide a letter of recommendation from Component/Function Lead
- Provide agenda for conference/meeting (in person or virtual)
- Be able to demonstrate how the meeting applies to your position/role within the ICTS (professional development goals)
Application Due: 20th Day of Any Month, or first working day thereafter by 5 pm CT
Award Decisions: 20th Day of the Following Month, or first working day thereafter
Staff receiving approval for a PDS will be notified of the specifics via email. Upon Staff receiving approval for a PDS will be notified of the specifics via email. Upon completion of meeting participation, the awardee must submit a copy of the “Travel Expense Statement (TR)” and backup documentation to the ICTS, icts@wustl.edu, within 10 days after travel. Once reviewed and approved, the department/division will receive direct reimbursement for approved costs. Funds will not provide direct reimbursement to the individual.
Three months after the related participation or travel to the seminar(s)/conference(s), the awardee must provide a summary of how the knowledge gained affected or will affect their work and role within the ICTS.
For questions, please forward an email to icts@wustl.edu and an ICTS member will contact you as soon as possible.