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Administrative Data Core Services (ADCS)

Provides expertise in the use of health services administrative data for all phases of clinical research studies.

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Advanced HEAlth Data (AHEAD)

Provides methodological and statistical assistance to investigators across a host of disciplines (e.g. epidemiology, outcomes research, health services research, trial emulation). Research support includes planning and analysis for EHR, claims, and other large data sources; survey development and deployment, study design planning, and qualitative research support.

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AI for Health Institute (AIHealth)

Connects clinical investigators with AI experts; provides consultation on AI approaches to clinical problems; supports clinical grants with AI expertise.

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Anatomic and Molecular Pathology Core Lab (AMP)

Provides clinical and research services in anatomic pathology.

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Animal Behavior Core (ABC)

Provides comprehensive, high quality and efficient behavioral phenotyping services including study consultation, behavior data collection, data management, and statistical and graphical analysis.

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Bioethics Research Center

Supports evidence -based ethics in biomedical research and clinical practice.

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Bioinformatics Research Core (BRC)

Of the Center of Regenerative Medicine provides genomic/epigenomic sequencing data analysis, integration, curation, and result interpretation.

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Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD)

Supports all phases of research study design, data collection, data analysis, and dissemination of results.

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Cardiovascular Imaging and Clinical Research Core Laboratory (CIRCL)

Provides noninvasive cardiovascular procedures for clinical research studies using standardized measurements and analyses.

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Center for Advancing Health Services, Policy and Economics Research (CAHSPER)

Supports evidence-based health research and disseminates the results to policymakers and stakeholders.