JIT Cores
All the Just-In-Time (JIT) Cores

Human Cells, Tissues, and Organoids Core (hCTO)
Provides expertise and infrastructure to support all phases of human pluripotent stem cell research.
- Contact: Mariana Beltcheva
- Email: beltchevam@wustl.edu

Hybridoma Center / Monoclonal Antibody Development Core
Provides custom mAb development services including immunization services, B cell fusion and culture maintenance as well as screening strategies and long term storage of valuable hybridoma lines.
- Kathleen Sheehan
- sheehan@wustl.edu

Informatics Core Services (ICS)
Provides advanced technologies and services for working with biomedical data, including access and mining of EHR data from BJC and WUSM and clinical study data management.
- Contact: Albert Lai, PhD, FACMI, FAMIA
- Email: amlai@wustl.edu

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC)
Provides consultation, core resources, and technical expertise for comprehensive IDD clinical, behavioral, and genomic research through magnetic resonance and optical imaging in human and animal models; and characterization and reprogramming of human somatic cell and animal models of IDD, including behavioral characterization in the Animal Behavior Subunit.
- Contact: Anna Abbacchi
- Email: iddrc@wustl.edu

Laboratory for Infectious Disease Research (LIDR)
Provides state-of-the-art facilities to support infectious diseases research.
- Email: lidr@missouri.edu

Mass Spectrometry Technology Access Center at the McDonnell Genome Institute (MTAC@MGI)
Provides education and state-of-the-art proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics and imaging MS technology to answer basic, clinical and translational science questions.
- Contact: Young Ah Goo
- Email: ygoo@wustl.edu
- Email: massspec@wustl.edu

Metabolomics Facility
Provides expertise and state-of-the-art chromatography and spectrometry for qualitative and quantitative metabolomics.
- Contact: Dave Scherrer
- Email: dscherrer@wustl.edu
- Contact: Xuntian Jiang, PhD
- Email: jiangxuntian@wustl.edu

mHealth Research Core (mHRC)
Helps move mHealth and digital health-related work from the idea phase to a funded grant and also helps support investigators in successful implementation of mHealth-related research and ultimate translation to real-world use and impact.
- Contact: Katie Keenoy, MA, LPC
- Email: keenoyk@wustl.edu

Missouri Aging and Disability Research Network
The Missouri Aging and Disability Research Network is a community-based research network of community organizations, people with disabilities and academic researchers.
- Contact: Sherdonna Denholm
- Email: s.denholm@wustl.edu

Musculoskeletal Research Center (MRC)
Supports the Research Community in the development, implementation and evaluation of animal models for musculoskeletal biology and medicine.
- Contact: Matt Silva
- Email: silvam@wustl.edu