Washington University in St. Louis (WU)
The goal of my research is to describe factors that lead to sexually transmitted infections (STI) in at risk individuals in order to reduce rates of infection. St. Louis, MO has high per capita rates of STIs and no dedicated STI clinic in the city borders. Access to care for patients with STI risks and symptoms is scattered. In addition, at risk patients are often not fully screened for infections.
On-going research is examining the use of extra-genital testing for Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis in patients living with HIV as well as patients that present to a local STI clinic. Proposed research projects will start to describe patients that seek care at local emergency departments, examine follow up for these patients, and their access to health care. Further plans will move to improve and stream line testing, counseling, STI education and partner treatment (prevention services).