Shramik Sengupta, PhD

University of Missouri – Columbia (MU)

The objective of my research is to develop rapid diagnostic technologies that can be used in the “real world”, where the species of interest (bacteria, virus, or macromolecules) are either present at very low concentrations, or are mixed with a large number of other related species. To do so, I try to apply the principles of Separations Science (that are usually the domain of Chemical Engineers) and Electrical Detection Technologies (that are usually the domain of Biomedical / Electrical Engineers) in a manner that best tackles the problem at hand.
In particular, I have invented a technology called microchannel Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (m-EIS), which is able to monitor in real time both the growth (proliferation) and death of cells in suspension in real-time, even at very low concentrations (~ 100 live cells/ml). We have used this technology for applications in the clinical, environmental and food-safety spaces.