Thinking about a new grant application?
Developing a milestone-driven research project?
Need access to expertise and resources to be competitive?

The ICTS Research Forum (RF) Program helps ICTS investigators improve and accelerate their research projects through concept development and/or in-depth grant review. Each RF roundtable session provides guidance by multidisciplinary subject-level experts to develop high caliber, scientifically rigorous clinical and translational projects and to improve extramural grant funding success by leveraging our CTSA infrastructure. The RF adopts interactive team-science/team-mentoring best practice to brainstorm new approaches, connect researchers with resources/collaborators and address scientific or clinical pitfalls or gaps.

Multidisciplinary teams include senior faculty, technical experts, and ICTS core personnel, as well as subject level ad hoc panelists, who works with investigators at any stage of a research project. RF teams are assembled and selected for the goals and gaps of your project.

The Research Forum Program supports research across the translational spectrum from basic science to clinical trials and implementation into practice and policy in the areas of child health, medical health sciences, precision health and community engagement. All RF Teams hold monthly meetings for investigators developing projects and can provide rapid grant review and turn-around for time-sensitive or opportunity-driven submissions.

The RF can help:

  • Develop or review hypothesis and aims
  • Review and provide grant feedback prior to submission
  • Tailor methods, sample size and statistical analysis
  • Support and review study design
  • Guide data analysis/management plans
  • Formulate project milestones
  • Provide links to core services
  • Support recruitment and retention strategies
  • Address stakeholder engagement
  • Develop plans for dissemination and implementation