The ICTS extends its gratitude to Betsy Keath, PhD, for twelve years of exceptional service to the ICTS and Washington University.
Dr. Keath, Associate Professor of Medicine, has served as the ICTS Translational Research Navigator and Director of the Research Development Program (RDP). We offer our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Keath as she embarks upon her retirement!
The RDP welcomes Rafael Galindo, MD, PhD and Jenny McKenzie, PhD, as Co-Directors of the program. Dr. Galindo is an Associate Professor of Neurology in the section of neonatal neurology. He will oversee the NIH Mock Study Section and PROUD-MED initiative. Dr. McKenzie currently serves as the ICTS Precision Health Program Scientist and will continue in that role. She will direct the Research Forum Program, Scientific Editing Service, and the WUSTL Grants Library.

We look forward to working with Drs. Galindo and McKenzie on these vital RDP services! Jennifer Harlow will also remain the RDP Program Manager. Please do not hesitate to contact the RDP at ictsrdp@wustl.edu with any questions.