The ICTS has awarded five awards to investigators in the ICTS’ 2nd annual virtual poster display and contest.
As part of the 5th annual ICTS Symposium, 38 posters were submitted and reviewed by 17 ICTS faculty from Washington University in St. Louis, University of Missouri – Columbia, and Saint Louis University.
Posters showcased translational research and were categorized by early stage, clinical, or health services/population health. Each poster was evaluated by three reviewers and were judged in areas of significance, approach, innovation, visual appeal and for long-term, short-term, regional and national impact.
Each awardee had the opportunity to display their poster at the Symposium and speak with attendees about their research. Winners will receive a $500 prize.

By Bachman, Graham MS

26. Environmental Determinants of Fatal Opioid Overdose in the Fentanyl Era: A Geospatial Analysis Considering Racial Inequities
By Banks, Devin PhD

28. Association between Medications for Opioid Use Disorder and Pregnancy
By Bello Kottenstette, Jennifer MD, MS

35. The Surgical Implementation Gap: An Explanatory Mixed-methods Study describing Implementation (or lack thereof) for Six Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trials
By Schmidtke, Kelly PhD

37. Using Natural Language Processing Pipeline to Extract Lab Results in Veteran Health Administration’s Electronic Health Records
By Wang, Mei MS