JIT Cores
All the Just-In-Time (JIT) Cores

Center for Community Health Partnership and Research (CCHPR)
Can assist with developing key stakeholder and community engagement activities, from planning through dissemination of research.
- Contact: Hilary Broughton
- Email: hilary.broughton@wustl.edu

Center for High-Performance Computing (CHPC)
Provides high-performance computing, direct access to high-speed and bulk storage, robust systems for management of imaging and related project data, access to anonymized clinical data for research purposes, and technical support.
- Contact: Scott Johnson
- Email: johnsonscott@wustl.edu

Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity (CRE2)
Provides expertise to rigorously study race, ethnicity and racial inequities in health through research study design and training to transform policy, scholarship and clinical interventions.

Clinical and Translational Imaging Unit (CTIU)
Provides advanced imaging technology, equipment, and expertise to support basic and translational inpatient and outpatient clinical research.
- Contact: Greg Williams
- Email: greg.williams@wustl.edu

Clinical and Translational Research Unit (CTRU)
Provides in-patient and out-patient clinical research units for research studies.
- Contact: Sam Klein, MD
- Email: sklein@wustl.edu
- Contact: Dominic Reeds, MD
- Email: dreeds@wustl.edu
- Contact: Gordon Smith, PhD
- Email: gsmith@wustl.edu

Clinical Cytogenomics Research Core (CCRU)
Provides support for clinical trials/studies for which a CLIA/CAP environment is required as well as conventional metaphase karyotyping and molecular human/mouse cytogenetic methods (FISH, chromosomal microarrays).
- Contact: Jane Bauer
- Email: bauer707@wustl.edu
- Email: cytogenetics@path.wustl.edu

Core Laboratory for Clinical Studies (CLCS)
Is a central laboratory for local and multicenter clinical and translational trials. We also perform a number of research-use-only assays on human and mouse specimens using ELISA, RIA, single molecule counting and automated platforms.
- Contact: Licia Rowe
- Email: liciarowe@wustl.edu
- Contact: Meghan Horvath
- Email: m.horvath@wustl.edu
- Contact: Jennifer Powers Carson
- Email: powers.jennifer.l@wustl.edu

Digital Solutions Studio (DSS)
Offers comprehensive support to researchers and data analysts through strategic planning, professional software development, and proof-of-concept digital tools. Our services help translate technical research data into accessible digital formats, enabling wider engagement with policymakers and the public. Additionally, DSS provides access to cutting-edge solutions like ChatGPT API endpoints to further enhance research capabilities.
- Email: di2accelerator@wustl.edu
- Contact: Kat Mollman
- Email: kcmollman@wustl.edu

Dissemination and Implementation Research Core (DIRC)
Provides expertise in support of translational (T3 and T4) research to move clinical knowledge into real-world use.
- Email: dirc@wustl.edu

Emergency Care Research Core (ECRC)
Provides a centralized infrastructure for all aspects of emergency care research.
- Contact: Stacey L. House, MD, PhD
- Email: staceyhouse@wustl.edu