Introduction: Warfarin remains a commonly prescribed anticoagulant, use of which is complicated by significant inter-patient variability in the therapeutic dose and a narrow therapeutic index. Algorithms to refine the warfarin dose are needed, especially during days 6-21 of warfarin therapy, when iatrogenic hemorrhages are common. Objective: To develop clinical and genotype-guided dosing algorithms for days […]
Category: 2023 ICTS Symposium Posters
11. A Masked, Controlled Trial of Median Nerve Stimulation for Tourette Syndrome
Introduction: A prior study showed that rhythmic, but not arrhythmic, 12 Hz stimulation of the median nerve (MNS) entrained the sensorimotor cortex EEG signal and found that 10 Hz MNS improved tics in Tourette syndrome (TS). However, no control condition was tested, and stimulation blocks lasted only 1 minute. We set out to replicate the […]
12. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa is Present in Sink Drains of Multiple ICU Wards at a Tertiary Medical Center
Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections are a rising threat to hospitalized patients. Pseudomonas aeruginosa reservoirs in the hospital environment have been connected to patient infections in intensive care units (ICUs), including the stem cell transplant and oncology (SCTO) ICU in Barnes Jewish Hospital. Sink drains were identified as a consistent source of antimicrobial resistant organism (ARO) growth, […]
13. Attenuated Cognitive Decline in Community-dwelling Older Adults with High Plasma Adropin Concentrations
Introduction: Adropin is highly expressed in post-mortem human brain samples relative to other tissues and correlates with RNA and protein signatures linked to cognitive decline. Increasing adropin levels in old C57BL/6J mice improves learning and memory. Whether circulating adropin levels correlate with cognitive decline in humans of advanced age is not known. Methods: We investigated […]
14. Decreasing Unnecessary Urinary Catheter Usage in the ICU
Introduction: Millions of indwelling catheters are placed each year to monitor urine output. Catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are the most commonly hospital-acquired infections and associated with urinary catheters. Previous efforts to decrease CAUTIs in the intensive care unit (ICUs), which are more likely to use urinary catheters, have had minimal success. Despite unclear […]
15. PET Imaging Cardiac Inflammation in CD36-deficient Individuals
Introduction: Fatty acid translocase CD36 regulates cardiac function, and its deletion in rodents associates with atrioventricular block and bradycardia and increasing risk of sudden death following prolonged fasting. Preclinical and clinical research show that monocyte chemotactic protein-1/chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 2 (MCP-1/CCR2) regulates myocardial remodeling and inflammation during cardiac disease. Our preliminary data, conducted with […]
16. Assessing the Impact of Comorbid Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms on Severity of Functional Impairment in a Nationally Representative Sample
Introduction: Performing self-care and domestic life tasks are key measures of functional independence for older adults. While both depression and anxiety symptoms have been correlated with increased functional limitation, these two disorders are most often studied separately, despite frequent co-occurrence and plausible interactive effects. This study examined the impact of comorbid depressive and anxiety symptoms […]
17. Identifying Factors Associated with Preeclampsia Using Electronic Health Records Data
Introduction: Chronic hypertension (CHTN), gestational hypertension (GHTN), preeclampsia (PE), and CHTN with superimposed PE (siPE) are hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP). Criteria distinguishing HDPs are imprecise and the factors driving development of one or more HDPs and progression to PE, associated with increased risk of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality, are unclear. Identifying more […]
18. Median Nerve Stimulation for Treatment of Tics: A 4-week, Open Trial with Ecological Momentary Assessment
Introduction: Current treatments for Tourette Syndrome (TS) and other chronic tic disorders (CTD) are inadequate, and patients desire new treatment options. Median nerve stimulation (MNS) at 10-12 Hz was recently proposed as a novel treatment for TS/CTD. We report on 31 people ages 15-64 with TS/CTD who participated in an open-label, comparative (within-group, several time […]
19. The Relation of Food Insecurity to Eating Disorder Characteristics and Treatment among Respondents to the National Eating Disorders Association Online Screen
Introduction: Food insecurity (FI), characterized by limited or uncertain access to adequate food, has been associated with eating disorders (EDs). This study explored whether FI was associated with ED behaviors, ED diagnosis, current treatment status, and treatment-seeking intentions among adults who screened positive for probable EDs on an online ED screen. Methods: Respondents with probable […]