Facilitating Team Science through Collaboration

To advance translational research from a basic discovery to an actionable improvement in public health typically requires a team science approach involving a variety of stakeholders.

The ICTS facilitates team science by providing access to collaboration opportunities among our members at Washington University and our regional partner institutions. We encourage this partnership development with the ICTS member directory, a resource to find other investigators with similar research interests.

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Soheila Abachi-Hokmabadinazhad, MSC, PhD

Fellow, Post Doc

My work’s focus has been Functional Foods, also known as nutraceuticals, for the last decade. These foods provide more than basic nutrition and contain substances or live microorganisms that have …

Getahun Abate, MD, MSC, PhD

Assistant Professor

Infectious disease, mycobacterial diseases and immunology.

Matthew Abbott, MD

Clinical Fellow

My research interest include utilizing health data information as a tool to evaluate limitations in current asthma clinical practice, specifically around the topic of inhaler prescription choice and …

Camille Abboud, MD

Professor of Medicine

Acute and chronic leukemia, myeloproliferative disorders, lymphomas and stem cell transplantation, acute and chronic graft versus host disease.

Ramzi I. Abboud, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Leukemia, transplantation and cellular therapy.

Enyo Ablordeppey, MD, MPH

Associate Professor of Anesthesiology/Emergency Medicine

Dr. Ablordeppey’s research uses implementation science approaches to develop and modify implementation and de-implementation strategies in order to optimize health care delivery and avoid medical …

Christopher D. Abraham, MD, PsyD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Stereotactic radiosurgery for benign and malignant conditions

Joanna Abraham, PhD

Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Handoffs, Care transitions, decision making, health information technology, medication ordering

Philip M. Abraham, MD, MHA

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Within pediatric inpatients, finding ways to reduce costs, unnecessary diagnostics tests and treatment which can otherwise do harm.

Yousef Abu-Amer, PhD

Dr. J. Albert Key Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

Our research interests are focused on understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying inflammatory osteolysis. Human diseases such as erosive arthritis and aseptic loosening of …

Nada A. Abumrad, PhD

Robert Atkins Professor of Medicine and Obesity Research

Our research identified the membrane protein CD36 as a high affinity receptor for long chain fatty acid (FA) and as a signaling protein that plays a key role in metabolic regulation. We recently …

Mostafa Abushahba, DVM, MS, PhD

Assistant Research Professor

Dr. Abushahba’s research interest involves studying the roles of virulence genes in ExPEC and Brucella with a goal of developing antivirulence subunit vaccines.

Joseph J. Ackerman, PhD

William Greenleaf Eliot Professor of Chemistry

Dr. Ackerman directs the Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Laboratory. BMRL investigators are focused on the development and application of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and imaging (MRI) for …

Sarah D. Ackerman, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pathology and Immunology

The human brain is made of billions of neurons which form intricate circuits to allow us to think, feel, and move. Neural circuits are capable of activity-dependent changes in structure/function, …

Jeffrey J. Adamovicz, PhD

Director Laboratory of Infectious Disease Research

Interests include the common pathogenic mechanisms of facultative intracellular bacteria and protective host immune mechanisms. Specific focus on dendritic cell biology and function as a target for …

Danielle R. Adams, PhD, MSW

Assistant Professor

Dr. Adams is a social work researcher, advocate, and educator dedicated to improving the availability, accessibility, and quality of mental health services delivered in under-resourced communities to …

Samantha E. Adamson, MD, PhD


My research is focused on type 1, type 2, and atypical diabetes, specifically how islet cells including beta, alpha, and delta cells communicate. I am seeking to better understand the complexities of …

Foluso O. Ademuyiwa, MD, MPH

Associate Professor of Medicine

Clinical trials in breast cancer especially in patients with triple negative disease, early-onset breast cancer, racial disparities.

Douglas R. Adkins, MD

Professor of Medicine

Head and Neck Cancer/Sarcoma/Thyroid Cancer

Madison Adolph, PhD

Assistant Professor

The Adolph lab uses biochemical and cell biology techniques to understand the mechanisms used by DNA binding proteins to protect and manage single-stranded DNA intermediates during DNA replication …

Rebecca L. Aft, MD, PhD

Professor of Surgery (General Surgery)

Molecularly characterizing disseminated tumor cells which are intermediaries in the metastatic cascade

Amber N. Afzal, MD, MS, Other

Assistant Professor of Medicine

My long-term goals are (1) to improve the outcomes of patients affected with disorders of thrombosis and hemostasis. (2) to comprehensively study the clinical outcomes of chronic liver disease …

Anubha Agarwal, MD, MSC

Co-Director, Program in Global Cardiovascular Health, Assistant Professor of Medicine

I am a global cardiovascular physician-scientist with research expertise in global heart failure, clinical trials, and implementation science. I aim to develop, implement, and scale evidence-based …

Rohan Agarwal, BA

Medical Student

I am involved in the Martin Schoen’s oncology research lab group, in which I assist with understanding the outcomes of prostate cancers amongst different comorbidities and clinical treatment factors …

Manish Aggarwal, MD

Assistant Professor

I am primarily interested in applications of cardiac imaging and clinical aspects of pulmonary hypertension. This has primarily included using echocardiograms and cardiac MRIs to evaluate pulmonary …

Shannon C. Agner, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Neurology

Understanding the effects of innate immune responses on the developing brain.

Arpana Agrawal, PhD

Professor of Psychiatry

My research focuses on understanding genetic and environmental contributions to addictions.

Ali Ahmad, MD


Research interests are mainly in cardiology, with a special interest in disciplines such as cardiac imaging, interventional cardiology, electrophysiology and artificial intelligence. And in topics …

Fahd A. Ahmad, MD

Associate Professor of Pediatrics

I plan to use computer-assisted self-interviews (CASIs) to improve the rate of gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing in adolescents and young-adults visiting the Saint Louis Children’s Hospital emergency …

Syed O. Ahmad, OTD, PhD


As a stereologer, and occupational therapist there is a unique perspective on dysfunction in the basal ganglia, cortex and hippocampus. Research has focused on two areas in particular: The aging, …

Saumel B. Ahmadi, MD, PhD


Epilepsy impacts 1 in 25 individuals, and neurodegeneration affects over 65 million people worldwide. Our focus is to understand the effects of genes on neuronal hyperexcitability and its impact on …

Eunhye Ahn, MSW, PhD

Assistant Professor

My research leverages data to improve the outcomes of children and families in need. One part of my research addresses epidemiological questions about the outcomes of children and families. For …

SangNam Ahn, PhD

Associate Professor

As a health services researcher, my focus has been on exploring diverse health issues that affect older populations. My investigations have included topics such as mental health, caregiving, …

Shenjian Ai

Predoctoral Trainee

My laboratory studies the pathogenesis of neuroinflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). We have focused on two components of CNS inflammatory states: the mechanism of leukocyte …

Hafsa Ajmal, MBBS

Visiting Medical student

As a dedicated student and research enthusiast in the field of cardiovascular medicine, I am deeply interested in understanding the complex mechanisms underlying cardiovascular diseases and exploring …

Maruf Mohammad Akbor, PhD

Postdoctoral Trainee

Immunobiology of Rheumatic Disease

Favour A. Akinjiyan, BSc

Predoctoral Trainee

Extracellular matrix biology, collagen structure and architecture

Ziyad Al-Aly, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Pharmacoepidemiology; big data; outcomes research; environmental health; Global Burden of Disease.

Rami Al-Aref, MD

Assistant Professor of Surgery

Abdominal wall reconstruction; particularly the role of pre-operative abdominal wall strengthening and how it relates to post-operative outcomes.

Huda Al-Bahadili, MD

Instructor in Medicine

I am interested in clinical research and its potential to advance medical knowledge and improve patient outcomes through rigorous scientific investigation and evidence-based practices. By actively …

Ream Al-Hasani, PhD

Associate Professor

The Al-Hasani Lab strives to elucidate the neurocircuitry underlying addiction, stress, chronic pain and analgesia, specifically focusing on the role of the opioid peptide system to identify new …

Patricia E. Alafaireet, PhD

Associate Professor

Research interests include mental health, community based health and health care delivery, clinical decision support and user needs. I focus on research that directly leads to improvement in the …

Fares Alahdab, MD, MS, MSC

Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Cardiology

My clinical and research interests lie at the intersection of cardiovascular medicine and cardiometabolic health, cardiovascular imaging, artificial intelligence, and evidence-based medicine. I use …

Quazim A. Alayo, MD, MSC

Clinical Fellow

I am interested in elucidating the role of different immune-related pathways in promoting lymphangitis and tertiary lymphoid organ formation in IBD.

Stewart G. Albert, MD

Professor, Internal Medicine

Clinical management of diabetes melliutus and complications.

Jose A. Aldana, MD


Basic science and outcomes in trauma and acute care surgery and vascular surgery

Lisa Alderson, MD

Assistant Professor

I am interested in clinical research in non-invasive imaging and preventive cardiology.

Alexander W. Aleem, MD

Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

I have both clinical and research interests in outcomes of shoulder and elbow surgery. My current specific interests include outcomes of arthroplasty reconstruction of the shoulder, and improving …

Jennifer M. Alexander-Brett, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

My research interests focus on cytokine pathways relevant to lung epithelial stem cell function in airway disease. Taking a translational approach to disease mechanism, I employ human airway …

Danielle N. Alfano, MD

Instructor in Pediatrics

Sepsis is a complex, heterogenous syndrome which has solely been characterized based upon late-stage clinical manifestations of shock and organ failure. It remains unclear if there are specific and …