Facilitating Team Science through Collaboration
To advance translational research from a basic discovery to an actionable improvement in public health typically requires a team science approach involving a variety of stakeholders.
The ICTS facilitates team science by providing access to collaboration opportunities among our members at Washington University and our regional partner institutions. We encourage this partnership development with the ICTS member directory, a resource to find other investigators with similar research interests.
Maxim N. Artyomov, PhD
Alumni Endowed Professor of Pathology and Immunology
- Email: martyomov@wustl.edu
Ghazaleh Ashrafi, PhD
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology/Physiology
- Email: ghazaleh@wustl.edu
Awuri P. Asuru, MD, PhD
Resident Physician
- Email: a.asuru@wustl.edu
Umeshkumar Athiraman, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
- Email: uathira@wustl.edu
Andrew D. Atkinson, MS, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
- Email: aandrew@wustl.edu
Jeffrey J. Atkinson, MD
Professor of Medicine
- Email: atkinsonj@wustl.edu
John P. Atkinson, MD
Samuel Grant Professor of Medicine
- Email: j.p.atkinson@wustl.edu
Jacob D. Aubuchon, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
- Email: jdaubuchon@wustl.edu
Diane J. Aum, MD
Clinical Fellow
- Email: aum.d@wustl.edu
Rajeev Aurora, PhD
- Email: rajeev.aurora@health.slu.edu
Tricia M. Austin, PhD, PT, ATC
- Email: austintm@slu.edu
Michael S. Avidan, MD
Professor of Anesthesiology
- Email: avidanm@wustl.edu
Mauricio J. Avila, MD, MHPE
Assistant Professor
- Email: mauricio.avila@ssmhealth.com
Richard L. Axelbaum, MS, PhD
Stifel & Quinette Jens Professor of Environmental Engineering Science Engr Science
- Email: axelbaum@wustl.edu
Yuna M. Ayala, PhD
Associate Professor and Vice Chair
- Email: yayala@slu.edu
Sina Azadnajafabad, MD, MPH
Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Email: asina@wustl.edu
Enoch K. Azasu, MSW, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow – Psychiatric Epidemiologist
- Email: enoch.azasu@health.slu.edu
Vahid Azimi, MD, MS
Assistant Medical Director of Laboratory Informatics, Instructor in Pathology & Immunology
- Email: a.vahid@wustl.edu
Tahmineh Azizi, PhD
Postdoc Research Associate
- Email: azizi@wustl.edu
Chiemerie C. Azubuogu, BS
Predoctoral Trainee
- Email: ccamz9@mail.missouri.edu
Hilary M. Babcock, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine
- Email: hbabcock@wustl.edu
Aleksandar Babic, MD, PhD
- Email: babic@slu.edu
Mohamed H. Babiker Mohamed, MD
Clinical Fellow Associate
- Email: bmohamed@wustl.edu
Ganesh M. Babulal, OTD, PhD
Associate Professor
- Email: babulalg@wustl.edu
Richard G. Bach, MD, MS
Professor of Medicine
- Email: rgbach@wustl.edu
Salma Bachelani, OTD
Instructor in Occupational Therapy
- Email: salma@wustl.edu
Mohammad Badran, MSC, PhD, B Pharm
Assistant Professor
- Email: mbadran@health.missouri.edu
Saif M. Badran, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
- Email: badran@wustl.edu
Shashwatee Bagchi, MD, MS, MSC
Associate Professor
- Email: bagchi@wustl.edu
Nusayba A. Bagegni, MD
- Email: nbagegni@wustl.edu
Maria Q. Baggstrom, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
- Email: Mbaggstr@wustl.edu
Michelle Bagwell, MD
- Email: Michelle.Bagwell@bjc.org
Thomas C. Bailey, MD
Professor of Medicine
- Email: tbailey@wustl.edu
Rishabh Bajpai, PhD, B.Tech
Postdoc Research Scholar
- Email: bajpair@wustl.edu
Elizabeth A. Baker, MPH, PhD
- Email: elizabeth.baker@slu.edu
Olga J. Baker, DDS, PhD
- Email: bakero@health.missouri.edu
Angel Baldan, PhD
- Email: angel.baldan@health.slu.edu
Edwin J. Baldelomar, PhD
Postdoc Research Associate
- Email: e.baldelomar@wustl.edu
Megan T. Baldridge, MD, PhD
- Email: mbaldridge@wustl.edu
David H. Ballard, MD
- Email: davidballard@wustl.edu
Sarah E. Ballatori, MD, MS
- Email: sarah.ballatori@wustl.edu
Samuel Ballentine, MD
- Email: samuel.ballentine@wustl.edu
Joyce Balls-Berry, PhD, MPE
Lead, Knight ADRC Health Disparities and Equity Core
- Email: j.balls-berry@wustl.edu
David T. Balzer, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
- Email: balzerdt@wustl.edu
Monika Bambouskova, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
- Email: monika.bambouskova@wustl.edu
Gourav Banerjee, MS, PhD, PT
- Email: gourav@wustl.edu
Devin E. Banks, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
- Email: banks.devin@wustl.edu
Sapana P. Bansod, MS, PhD
Postdoc Research Associate
- Email: bansod@wustl.edu